Feeling Alone during this Holiday???

My loneliness is definitely triggered at Christmas too as it's the time where you miss the people you may have lost in your life."I find myself longing for those times where things felt more simple and I was surrounded by lots of people I love."

So, what can be done if you're worried about feeling lonely this Christmas? We came up with some tips.

Go to a festive workshop
While the build up to Christmas certainly does bring social pressures, it's also a time where the opportunities for activities increase tenfold. Take advantage of all the festive offerings and don't be afraid to turn up by yourself.

Many cities, towns and villages will offer wreath-making workshops, Christmas carol concerts, festive fairs, christmas baking classes or cocktail making.

You can kill two birds with one stone by doing something fun to mark the time of year and meeting new people at the same time.

Reach out to an old friend
If Christmas can be a time in your life that everything slows down just a little, why not take the opportunity to get in touch with a friend from school, university or your old job? You'll have loads to talk about if it's someone you haven't seen in a while and will ensure there's a firm plan in your diary. Sending a 'Merry Christmas' text can be the perfect ice breaker.

If you can't logistically meet someone face to face over the holiday period then pick up the phone. Even though you're not physically seeing them, just talking can make a difference too.
Have an honest conversation about how you're feeling

Do this with family, friends or colleagues aka people that care about you and your wellbeing.
Carrie, 26, struggles with loneliness - especially over Christmas - partly because her arthritis (which worsens in the winter) prevents her from joining in with some social and family activities.
She said that "being honest with those around me has really helped me feel [more a] part of social occasions".
Part of this also involves being honest with yourself and speaking openly to those around you about what you can, and might not be able to, manage.
"Explain to your closest friends and family that you need to pace yourself throughout the festive season" Carrie advises". "Maybe suggest a couple of gatherings at your home or somewhere that is easy for you and comfortable."

Run or exercise
We all know that exercise releases endorphins and energises our moods but outdoor exercise, in particular, can help with depression, according to Mind.
Sally, who has two children, told Red she struggled with loneliness at Christmas after the breakdown of a relationship. She took up running which distracted her from the isolating feelings but also gave her the belief she was actually doing something for herself.
"I ran four times a week and over Christmas," she said. "There is a huge online running community and, actually, there are lots of people who run for mental health especially loneliness."

Read a good book
Just because you'll be on your own, it doesn't mean it will necessarily make you lonely, as we've said. Michelle says getting lost in a good book really helps her.

"I’ve started reading a lot more," she tells us. "There’s nothing better than getting lost in a great book with a gripping plot and dynamic characters, you can really lose yourself and immerse yourself in another world and completely forget about your own issues."

So you see...you can still the holiday great... Have fun!!!
