LIFE: An Equation, Mathematician can’t solve.
          A story, Writers can’t illustrate.
          A poem, Poet can’t write.
            A song, Musicians can’t sing.
            An ailment, medics can’t treat.
           A course, Teachers can’t teach.
            An environment, Geologist can’t read.
            A mind-set, psychologist can’t unravel.
            A problem, scientist can’t give a theory.
The story of life can only be got from the Creator. All we do on planet earth is assumptions.
People come to the planet each day and people exit her each day. No matter the Age, Status, Race, Nationality and Gender.
To my own little Understanding, Every being that comes to this planet earth has a mission to Fulfil. This mission, we do not know from birth. All we depend on is an Event called DESTINY.
Also to my little understanding, The creator has placed unto Everyone’s hand a mission to fulfil with no coercion nor servitude. We are left to make a choice which is either to go for the good side which is the principal mission given to us by the creator or to follow the negative side which is the mission we give ourselves.
Two options set before us, ruminating on the one to choose. Destiny can only be accomplished if we go for the positive side but how do we go about it.
We tend to see many things. Good and Bad, Ugly and Nice, Dirty and Neat. We are left with a Choice.
The choice of many is influence by many factors. It might be family, environments, mass media, peer pressure and so many other factors. These factors possess either the positive and Negative side of Life. We are left with another choice. Thank you…
