With no foundation and future
They painted things Black and White
They produced counterfeit and called it Life
They made the so called incredible things and Eyes went wide with mouth ajar
It was so fantasizing that the world lust after them
It requires no stress but just a little tip
So many joined the movement due to frustration and depression
People now adorn them with praise and offerings
Even though it’s sometimes beyond their comprehension
The beginning looks interesting and appealing
But it becomes unbearable when the Journey starts
They have mouth that can’t speak
Legs that can’t run-not because they are Brave
Eyes that can’t see what coming ahead
All they do is stand in a position with a horrific Expression.
What a sardonic demonstration!
I prefer to be in the party of the invisible and immortal Being
Though I’m visible and mortal
Yet connected to the invisible and immortal
That does things with no side-effect
That has control over all elements and factors on earth
Though people complain about the slow actions in solving problems,
They never took time to realize that there is time for everything
And not all actions are slow. Some are absolutely quick.
Answers comes in diverse ways with no difficulty
You hear the vice but can’t see the speaker
You feel the presence all in high spirit
All controlled by the only one using the capital G
So many great things are not enough to quantify his worth
He gave me the power making steps ahead of other gods
He called me a god
It’s a great honor to be called by this name
I’m connected to him and this makes me greater than the living but dead gods
They have no power over me
I am a joint heir with his Royalty
I can do all things inasmuch I am in him
I AM a god.
...Ye are gods...{psalm 82:6}